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How to Add New Rides to the Connecticut Bike Routes Database
The addition of new rides to the website database is welcome. There are parts of the state that are seriously underrepresented, the Southwest and Northeast Regions in particular.
Please submit, as attachments to an e-mail, a Ride Description and a Route Sheet in the same format, fonts and font sizes as the rides already on the website, using Microsoft Word. A blank copy of forms to use can be accessed by clicking on the links below. These forms will default to the appropriate fonts.
Hint: The Route Sheet form is set up as a table in Microsoft Word with one line per row. Often, the Road Info/Description text will require more than one row. To accomplish this, type as much text as will fit in one row and then move the cursor to the next row in the same table column and continue typing. This may be needed for several rows to complete particularly long Road Info/Description items. Then, in the Format menu select Borders and shading and remove the border lines between the top and bottom of the cue item. Overall, this is easier than using the Merge Cells and Split Cells functions in Word.
E-mail forms to feedback@ctbikeroutes.org
When rides are added to the website database in this fashion they will be identified with yellow shading on the title line of the Route Sheet. It is the responsibility of the ride submitter to ensure that the information on the ride documents is complete and accurate. There is no assurance that the www.ctbikeroutes.org team will be able to check ride the route to verify the accuracy of the ride documents.
Note: Please complete all fields on the Ride Description except the Degree of Difficulty Index.


DISCLAIMER: While every attempt has been made to assure that the Route Sheets (Cue Sheets) and the Ride Descriptions are accurate, the volume and nature of the information precludes any guarantees.  Mistakes will happen, various road/street signs will get changed, become obscured or disappear, etc. In general, Murphy's Law will prevail.  For this reason, use the ride information provided at your own risk. We suggest that, in addition to the Route Sheets provided here, that you also bring with you a detailed street map of the area in which you will be riding. And, we hope that you will take the time to report any problems you find. Also, this website has been developed voluntarily; no one is profiting from its use.  Email us with any comments or feedback to
© 2005 ctbikeroutes.org